Monday, March 22, 2010

New blog?

Okay so here's the news cool cats, I'm thinking of creating a new blog 'cause
1. this one never get's used and sure the photos are pretty wicked, but i must post ALL THE TIME.
2. The name is so so lame, I mean my name then photography takes forever to type and people are lazy, so I must get a rad name that is short and sweet.
3. 'cause I can never just stick to one thing for very long, this is why I will never get a tattoo (but I just did say never and you never say never 'cause you'll do it anyway. I said I'd never wear belts around my waist and look at me know or more like, look at my belted waist now.)

So yes, stay tuned I guess?


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Taken at Thronfest in Joburg, 30th Jan 2010.

How it ends

This photo, in my opinion, is the best photo i've ever taken. funny really, i thought it would be a planned fashion shoot or at a concert, but this is just a snapshot of my friend at my friend's party, so that's pretty neat. I didn't even edit this, the photo was just amazing from the beginning.

Oh man, i wish i was better at this whole, blogging thing. i sound like a loser i bet.

Oh, hello

Hi there blogspot land, sorry for not posting anything in ages, my bad.
I'm going to try and post more of my photography, life, inspirations and just rad shit! You should all thank Cleo for making me update, she's wicked you should check out her blog and tell her how cool she is.